Welcome to Gardiner Public Schools - home of the Bruins! We are proud of who we are and what we do. One of our most important functions is to work with the home and the community to develop educated and responsible citizens. Parents are as much a part of our success as anything else we do. Please get involved, ask questions, make suggestions, and join in the ongoing effort to keep our schools meeting the needs of our students. We offer a wide range of programs that go beyond basic academic instruction, and have been ranked as one of the top schools in the state and the nation for several years in a row.
Handbook Student Cell Phone Policy (page 52-53 in the handbook)
Student possession and use of cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic signaling devices on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, and while under the supervision and control of school district employees is a privilege which shall be permitted only under the circumstances described herein. At no time shall any student operate a cell phone or other electronic device with video capabilities in a locker room, bathroom, or other location in such a manner wherein operation may violate the privacy right of another person. Inappropriate use of cell phones may result in disciplinary actions at the discretion of the administration.
Students may use cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic signaling devices on campus before school begins, at lunch, during passing period, and after school ends. Students then will be permitted to use their cell phone for instructional purposes at the discretion of their teacher. In which case, students upon entering a classroom are to place their cellphone in a top corner of their desk. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Therefore, unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by school officials, including classroom teachers. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parent or guardian. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices will result in disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action:
Each teacher determines their own cell phone rules in their classrooms. It is up to each teacher to decide when to collect a student’s cell phone and send it to the office. Parents or guardians must come to the office to pick up their child’s cell phone when it is brought to the office. Parents will be notified via email and phone call using the most current information listed in Infinite Campus.
We have a two strikes policy for student cell phone use resulting in disciplinary action. After the second offence the student must turn in their cell phone during class time at the office for the remainder of the school year.
Friday School
Students are notified on Monday morning if they have a missing assignment in Infinite Campus. The student has until the end of the school day on Thursday to turn in the missing assignments. If students do not complete their work and get the teacher’s signature that the work was turned in, they are required to attend Friday School at 8 am. Students who attend Friday School are eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that week.
Digital Academy Students: Grade reports are received on Wednesdays from MTDA and students will be notified if their weekly grade is below 65%. Students have until the following Wednesday to raise their grade above 65%. If the grade is still below 65% they are required to attend Friday School to be eligible for extracurricular activities.
Tardy Policy
It is the policy of Gardiner Schools that regular and punctual attendance is essential for all students.
Regular and punctual attendance is most important in the development of sound character traits and the creation of an effective learning environment.
Students without an excuse when the tardy bell rings, will be considered tardy. Students are allowed
three (3) tardies per quarter. After the third tardy a reasonable attempt will be made to notify parents.
Following are the consequences for being tardy:
Tardy Consequence
1 No Penalty
2 No Penalty
3 No Penalty
4 Notify parents
5 Notify parents
6 Closed campus for the quarter and parents are notified (email and mailed attendance report)
7 Closed campus for the quarter, ineligible for next extracurricular event and Parents are notified (email, mail, phone call)
8 Closed campus for the quarter, ineligible for the remainder of the quarter parents are notified (email, mail, phone call)